Thursday, January 27, 2011

Step it up

So this week started my 1/2M training. Previously, I was following a 5k training schedule. It was challenging, but not too intense. The new 1/2M schedule is a bit more intense. Rather than running 3 days a week, I will be running 5. Also, the mileage ramps up a lot quicker. Previously, I would increase about .5 miles a week. Now, I increase 1 mile a week. Finally, it places a much greater focus on cross-training and strength training. Needless to say, it is time to STEP IT UP.

I am very proud of how well my runs have been going. More often than not, I keep a 10 minute pace and I feel good at the end of my mileage. Once in a blue moon I will get an abdominal cramp, and I really don't know why. I am very well hydrated... maybe it has to do with my breathing? I don't think so- I feel like my breathing is fine. I'm perplexed. Suggestions?

Maureen and I set up a running date. Every Tuesday after work, we go to Rhodes and run on the track together. I am really looking forward to this routine- not just because it is a good change of scenery and feeling of camaraderie, but because I really enjoy spending time with my friend!

Oh, on a fun note: I tried on a pair of work pants that I haven't worn in about 2 months this morning (they were hidden behind a less likable pair!)... HELLO BAGGY! They looked comical they were so big. I jumped and squealed with joy, and did a little dance around my bedroom (which is not a common occurrence at 6:20 am). It just goes to show that while you may not see the little daily or even weekly changes, change DOES show! So, favorite dark brown work pants, you will now be moved to the back of the closet. Enjoy your rest.