Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thank you, Universe.


I say this over and over on a daily basis, and today it couldn't be more true.

So last night's post was driven by such a tremendous, out-of-the-blue wave of home-sickness (is that a phrase?) and nostalgia. I go through lots of ups and downs when it comes to being 9 hours away from my family (13 from my grandparents), and sometimes the downs just get the best of me. They dont last long, but they are vicious and break my heart to pieces.

Well, I had to call Ellie today to ask her a question. I was just leaving class and was in the middle of campus. She answered and said "It's Amy! Nora said it!" I was confused and didn't really understand what she meant. "Nora just said 'Amy!' She said your name! The phone rang, and I said 'It's Amy' and then she said your name!" I. Started. Sobbing. Right there, middle of campus, middle of the afternoon, people everywhere. Ellie turned the phone to Nora and said "It's Amy!" Then I heard it- Nora says, in her adorable little voice- "Ay-meee!" I couldn't believe it. Tears were just pouring down my face. She kept saying it over and over and over, and I couldn't get enough of it. I was just beside myself.

So, just when you are feeling lower than low, sadder than sad, and more lost than ever- the universe provides.