Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Long term goals

I was on the phone with a friend of mine last night and, unintentionally, he brought up a very interesting point: what are my plans for AFTER I complete this 1/2 marathon?

Now I have mentioned time and time again that I simply want to FINISH this race. No amazing times, no gold medals- just finish. I am focusing all of my energy and time towards that goal, and on April 30th, I will face this challenge. With that said, I can honestly say that I really have not even contemplated what my life will be like come May 1st.

Do I hope to continue with running? Do I hope to do another 1/2 Marathon? Do I hope to push the limit and train for a full Marathon? Do I hope to put my shoes in the back of my closet and never run another day in my life?

I don't know.

And I am OK with that. I am fine with taking this day by day and seeing what happens. After I cross the finish line in April, I think I will know what is right for me and where I want to go from there. And if I don't, that is fine too. If I take a few weeks, months, or even years off, that's ok. If I wake up the next morning and want to keep pushing myself, great. Whatever happens, happens.