Thursday, February 3, 2011

Surround yourself with success

Annie, from Mama Wants Her Pre-Baby Body Back, has been talking a lot about inspiration lately. I think this is a concept that most people overlook easily. I know that I, personally, feed off of others to inspire me, push me, and provide the drive that gets me to where I need to be. Granted, what I do is ultimately my decision and must be done on my own terms with my own energy, but following the lead of others often makes a daunting task much more doable.

So, what is inspiration? Well, to feel inspired, duh. Ok, well what does inspire mean? Good old GOOGLE says: "To fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence. To produce or arouse (a feeling, thought, etc.). To influence, move, or guide by divine or supernatural inspiration."

Sometimes I wrongly assume that inspiration and success go hand-in-hand. You are inspired by the success of others. You see others achieve a goal, and you are motivated to follow their lead. Then, I get thinking a bit deeper about success... What is it? I have always been one to believe success is not measured by the amount of money you make or the number of letters you have listed after your name. I have always loved the Emerson passage on success:
To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people
and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty,
to find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better,
whether by a healthy child,
a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier
because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.
But, for arguments sake, lets go ahead and GOOGLE this term also: "favorable or desired outcome; also, the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence." (Which then lead me to looking up eminence: "a position of prominence or superiority.") Hmmm... I think I prefer Emerson.

So where am I going with all of this? Well, Annie has asked the question: Who inspires YOU?

I look at the people that surround me, and I am astonished at the level of success that I am exposed to. Lets focus on GOOGLE's definition first: of just my inner-most, closest, best friends, I have 2 doctors, 3 lawyers, 2 students about to get their PhD's, 1 PhD level professor, 3 others in ivy-league Master's programs, and 2 with graduate degrees working amazing jobs. Wow. If that isnt an impressive friend resume, I don't know what is. But beyond the degrees and fancy jobs, they are amazing people. My friends and are the most kind-hearted and passionate people I have ever met. They pour their energy into making the world a better place for others. They pursue these degrees and careers not to put a pretty number in their bank accounts, but because of their drive and determination to do good in this world and to better the lives of others. I have many, many more friends that I am blown away by on a daily basis... So determined, so loving, and so genuine. If you are reading this, you are one of them!

Beyond my closest circle of friends, I am blessed with the most amazing family. They work hard every day and offer the most overwhelming unconditional support and love. I am astonished at the success they present in a wide array of situations. My grandmother overcame breast cancer and is the most beautiful, energetic 83 year-old woman ever. My grandfather spent years working and serving in the military, yet still refuses to go a single day without taking a walk just to stay healthy. My sister is so artistic and creates beautiful things that come from her heart. My niece, well, no need to mention my infatuation with her perfection. My dad is by far the smartest man on the planet, and he still finds time to make sure my truck is running well and doesn't have any birds nests growing in the radiator. (Yes, that happened once.) And then there's my mother... Words cannot describe the level of respect I have for her. She overcame some tremendous challenges in order to ensure that my sister and I always had everything we needed. She is the most unselfish, giving, kind, hard-working, passionate woman I have ever met. Despite the hardships she has faced, she never once complained or gave up. I could go on for days and days about how amazing my entire family is, but I think you get the point here.

So looking at my life and the people that I have chosen to be a part of it, I realize...


Looking at the people I have in my life, it is no wonder I have a hard time pin-pointing one person in particular that inspires me. Everywhere I look, another friend or family member is amazing me with what they are offering others and the world. ALL OF THIS INSPIRES ME! Seeing the outrageous level of success (Emmerson, not Google) that I am exposed to on a daily basis... THAT is what pushes me to wake up in the morning, to run another mile, to do my best at work, to hold the door for someone else, to donate a dollar to a charity, to smile at a stranger, to reduce/reuse/recycle, to offer kindness in the face of anger, and to simply be the best person I can be.