Thursday, October 20, 2011

No running = cranky Amy

3 weeks off of running. Not by choice.

Over the past 10 months, running has become a staple in my life. Eat, sleep, work, run, repeat. Not having this integral part of my daily lifestyle has been wreaking havoc on my mood and body. I am cranky beyond belief. I am tired all the time. I feel bloated and fluffy. I am irritable, moody, and just plain off. It seems to be affecting every other aspect of my life, and I don't like it. Running is something I look forward to- especially my Saturday runs with AJ, MS, and PF. It has done a world of good for me, physically and mentally, and here, even this little bit of time off, and I feel all out of whack. In the words of my now-favorite blogger, dooce, "Don't get me wrong, I'm glad it's not a fracture, but it's just so non-specific and nebulous and maybe it will feel better a week from now, maybe not, excuse my crankiness, I haven't had a serving of endorphins since Sunday." Amen, sister. Amen.

So, enough complaining, lets talk about WHY I havent run in 3 weeks. The ankles. Yes, the ankles. Where did we leave off? Doctor said no stress fractures, right? Hooray! Well, went to PT and they gave me some fancy little stretches to do with TheraBand. Told me to keep icing. Keep stretching my calf muscles. Don't run. I was a good student and skipped home (ok, I didn't skip, that wouldn't help the ankle situation) and did my homework every day like a good little girl. After a full week of daily PT, rest, and ice... IT HURT MORE! WTF!? Now, instead of only hurting during activity, it hurt ALL.THE.TIME. Not cool. A constant shot of lightening shooting from my foot to my calf. Nonstop. Even with ice. Even with enough ibuprofen to sedate an elephant. Even with PT. Even with rest. FINE! EFF IT! IM GONNA RUN ANYWAY! I tried to run 2 miles and failed miserably. So, ANOTHER week off... yes... 3rd week sans running. Talk about a hot, cranky mess...

It's OK mom, I still love you... even if you are a cranky bitch... let me lay on you and help mend your broken ankles...

I went back to Fleet Feet and asked what to do (since visiting them is cheaper than the $300 in medical bills I now have). They suggested SuperFeet inserts. I tried on a few pairs and INSTANTLY felt a difference. It was like someone flipped a switch and the shooting pain was GONE. Angels flew down from the heavens, they played little harps, and I think I even saw a few doves fly by holding olive branches, I don't know. SOLD. Best part is- I take the inserts I think feel best home with me, wear them, and if they don't work, I can exchange (and continue to exchange) them for another fit until we find what works best for my feet. I wanted to hug the sales woman, but I felt that was going a bit too far. 

Fiona approves of the NEON GREEN SuperFeet inserts.

I wore my running shoes with the new, fancy inserts the rest of the day and all of the next day. This would allow them to mold to my feet and get a better fit. Then, Monday evening, I ventured out for another run. 2 miles pain free, yea buddy! And best part- not only did they not hurt during, but they didnt hurt after, or even the next day! Again, cue angels with harps and white doves. But, unfortunately, I felt like I was starting from scratch: I couldn't breathe, I was a cardiovascular mess, and the riverfront hill that I usually make my bitch totally owned me. It's ok, though, right? I will get it back in time, right? RIGHT? I took Tuesday off to spin (yea, that's right, bi-weekly cross training for this girl, booyah!) and then attempted another run yesterday... drum roll please... 5 miles pain free! I literally did a happy dance (similar to the stanky leg, for those of you that have been with my through this journey from the beginning) and squealed with joy. They still hurt a tiny bit here and there, especially when I wear shoes without good arch support to work, but for the most part, I am not a hobbling mess anymore.

Ok ok ok, dont worry, I wont push it. I wont try to jump back in too fast. I am going to try to take it slow. But here it is, 6 miles until the race, and I am kiiiiiiiiiiiinda close to panic mode. I am going to attempt 13 this Saturday... a slow, easy, camber-free 13. I promise, hand on heart, girl scouts honor: If it hurts, I WILL STOP. I promise. Seriously! Why don't you believe me?!