Sunday, April 24, 2011
the finish line will set you free
Monday, April 18, 2011
11 mile run and 11 days left
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Weekend bliss
"It's a great thing when you realize you still have the ability to surprise yourself. Makes you wonder what else you can do that you've forgotten about."
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Skinny Bitch!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Monday ramblings
My 10 mile run went perfectly. It is starting to get very warm and humid here in Memphis, so I had to get up pretty early to beat the heat; if waking up at 7:30 on a Saturday and leaving the most comfortable bed on earth isnt dedication, then I dont know what is! I am glad I ran early, though, because by the time I was finishing up the last mile, it was getting slightly uncomfortable. I have never been one to handle the heat well- I would get heat exhaustion at least 5 times every summer when I was little. I still have a hard time with it, and no matter how hydrated I am, I fall apart if I am too hot for too long. I am worried to see how the Memphis summers of 110 degree heat plus 95% humidity will affect my continuation with running. Anyway, the distance was very bearable. I was getting a tiny bit tired towards the end, and I was starving, which I though was strange. Beyond that, I felt on top of the world!
I woke up on Sunday morning with a cold. Yea, that's right, a damn cold. Three of my participants last week were snotty, boogery, coughing, sneezing, slobbery messes... and no amount of rest, vitamin C, and hand sanitizer could protect me. So here I am with a sore throat, fever, stuffy nose, and feeling completely exhausted. Bleh. I still managed to get to the gym for a quick 2 mile run on the treadmill last night (followed immediately by a trip to TCBY... they cancel each other out, right?) and I plan on getting lots of rest tonight. Hopefully this bug wont linger too long...
Other than getting this cold, I had a spectacular weekend. I have such wonderful people in my life, and I am so thankful for the many things that have come my why while living in Memphis. Sometimes it is really easy to get caught up in the negative emotions in our lives, but it is amazing how far a little bit of patience and dedication will get you. Today marks my 9 month anniversary in Memphis, and to say my life has changed a million times for the better since I moved here would be an understatement. It has not been easy, and there were many occasions when I was ready to throw in the towel, but I am really glad I stuck it out. Life really seems to be falling into place now. I love my friends here. My job can be frustrating and beyond stressful, but I know the work I am doing will get me where I want to be in my career, so it is worth it. I am feeling healthy and whole. And as I have said multiple times lately- my heart is full of happiness. I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Spring is such a beautiful season- get out and enjoy every bit of it that you can!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Some silly happenings
It has been a while since my last post. I have been terribly busy this week... I love being busy.
3 weeks until the race! I drift back and forth between excited and terrified about 137 times a day. I know I am capable, I know I am ready, but I am still anxious- but in a good way.
Over the past week, I have been great about staying on schedule, keeping strong with my training, and eating well. I have had some interesting runs, learned some hysterical lessons, and had some entertaining events occur, so I thought I would share them....
-Sunscreen is important. I may be like a cheetah out there, but I can't out run the sun. I have a stellar t-shirt burn line.
-I got pooped on by a bird. Enough said.
-Always remember: just because someone has a stop sign or a red light does NOT mean they will actually stop. Or even slow down. Assume all drivers are ignorant.
-No, creepy male drivers, it is NOT ok to slowly drive along side me, yell, whistle, and make obscene gestures. How do you expect me to react? Stop running, hop in the car with you, and ride off into the sunset living happily ever after? What are your intentions here?
-Memphis has a lot of dead birds on the sidewalk. I enjoy stepping on them. I really need to start paying attention.
-My startle reflex has a hair trigger.
-Sometimes it takes more than a polite "excuse me" to make the 4 obese, overly-chatty ladies that are taking up the entire sidewalk move and let you through. Sometimes it takes more than a loud "excuse me." Sometimes it takes more than tapping them on the shoulder. Sometimes it takes more than flailing and shouting.
-Even though I have my headphones in and I can't hear myself singing, other people can.
10 mile run this weekend! Wish me luck!
Monday, April 4, 2011
9 miles of peace
Time: 25:53
9th place out of 219 females total
No age group break-down
I am really happy with my performance at this race. I am sure that, if nothing else comes of this challenge once the 1/2 marathon is completed, I will continue to run local 5k races, and maybe try to keep increasing my speed.
Saturday was my 9 mile run, and it was wonderful. Again, I ran slower than molasses, but felt good and I enjoyed it. The weather this past weekend was absolutely perfect and I was in a wonderful place mentally. I felt very at peace with my life. Lately I have been very anxious about where I am going, the big decisions that I am facing, and just what in the world I am supposed to be "doing" with my life. During the 2 hours of running I felt like I am where I need to be, and I am doing what I should be, and that I need to stop searching. It is hard to just be content with where you are and what you have, ya know?
Carrie sent me this quote... (Can you tell I am a quote/lyric junkie? Yea.)
The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want.What do I want?
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Opening Eyes to Autism 5k
Friday, April 1, 2011
Mom and dad join the club
I have a 5k race tonight- my first night race! I am stoked for it. I am feeling MUCH better today. I spent all afternoon yesterday sleeping and resting, and my tooth really doesn't hurt that terribly much today. I am glad I took the day off yesterday- 1 day of running was not worth getting myself in over my head and being in pain.