Monday, February 28, 2011
What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?
It goes without saying that I am proud of myself. To consistently run a 10 minute mile, then out of nowhere run a 54 minute 10k is, well, impressive! I think there were several factors that impacted my performance...
1) Running with a herd. My first race, the Stanky Legg 5k, was very different in the sense that it was a trail run. We were in single file formation, and there was little room to "make a move." This race was a typical road race. Granted, the pack was a bumbling mass of bodies for the first quarter mile, but after that, it was wide open. However, there were constantly people passing me, and I was constantly passing others. There was no way to really estimate what my pace was. I was upset by this at first and I felt like it was making me do poorly. However, about half way through, I used this to my advantage and really enjoyed the mystery of my pace. Apparently, it paid off!
2) Cheers from the crowd. About 3.5 miles into the race, we ran through my apartment complex. Like, literally in front of my porch. My neighbor was out there cheering for me, yelling and blowing me kisses. Further down, my friend that lives in the complex had a huge painted sign with my name, and she had pom-poms and did a dance and yelled for me. I was so excited, and it made my adrenaline start pumping even stronger than it was before. What an amazing feeling! Thank you, friends; you have no idea how much you helped me!
3) A bit of a competitive nature. Now, I am not proud to admit it, but I have an undercurrent of competitiveness that runs through me from time to time. I am not one bit proud of it, but I sometimes get really jealous and feel like I must be the best, do the best, win win win. It doesn't come out often, but when it does, watch out. So, I will spare the details, but in a nutshell, I ran into someone else running the race that I just had to beat. There was no question about it. I had to. And I did. By 10 minutes. Booyah. I am not completely proud of this bit of motivation, but I am just being honest in saying that it was a huge factor in why I did so well. (B was at the finish line cheering on said person... yea, I know, enough said.)
I can definitely tell I pushed myself. Yes, I was sore yesterday, but nothing I couldnt handle. However, my left knee is killing me- the lateral collateral ligament is really hurting. A lot. I ran yesterday, but it was a very slow, painful 4 miles. I am definitely resting today. I read up on treatments for pain and it just says the usual: ice and anti-inflammatory meds. But I think the bigger problem is that I MUST make sure I keep stretching and strengthening that area. I am going to spend some time researching specific stretches, exercises, and lifting series that focus on strengthening this area. I will be damned if it keeps me from my goal! Any tips or pointers here would be much appreciated!!!!
I bought a watch. That's right, a digital watch to wear during my runs. Omar's incessant obsession with me doing sprints and time-interval training finally got to me. I spent all of $10 on a neon green watch at Target. I still dont see myself focusing too much on my time for long runs, but he made a good point: since I now know that I am capable of this pace, why not try to test that on my short run days? I still have 3 of the 5 days a week that I only run a base distance of 4 miles, and so on those days, maybe keep an eye on my time would benefit my ability. Who knows.
My next race is on March 21st, another 5k. *scoff* Shoo, that ain't no thaaaang. I chose to run this upcoming race because it is the weekend that my parents will be visiting and I wanted them to be a part of this experience. It should be a fun one!
The sense of pride I am feeling is insurmountable! What an amazing feeling!
1) Running with a herd. My first race, the Stanky Legg 5k, was very different in the sense that it was a trail run. We were in single file formation, and there was little room to "make a move." This race was a typical road race. Granted, the pack was a bumbling mass of bodies for the first quarter mile, but after that, it was wide open. However, there were constantly people passing me, and I was constantly passing others. There was no way to really estimate what my pace was. I was upset by this at first and I felt like it was making me do poorly. However, about half way through, I used this to my advantage and really enjoyed the mystery of my pace. Apparently, it paid off!
2) Cheers from the crowd. About 3.5 miles into the race, we ran through my apartment complex. Like, literally in front of my porch. My neighbor was out there cheering for me, yelling and blowing me kisses. Further down, my friend that lives in the complex had a huge painted sign with my name, and she had pom-poms and did a dance and yelled for me. I was so excited, and it made my adrenaline start pumping even stronger than it was before. What an amazing feeling! Thank you, friends; you have no idea how much you helped me!
3) A bit of a competitive nature. Now, I am not proud to admit it, but I have an undercurrent of competitiveness that runs through me from time to time. I am not one bit proud of it, but I sometimes get really jealous and feel like I must be the best, do the best, win win win. It doesn't come out often, but when it does, watch out. So, I will spare the details, but in a nutshell, I ran into someone else running the race that I just had to beat. There was no question about it. I had to. And I did. By 10 minutes. Booyah. I am not completely proud of this bit of motivation, but I am just being honest in saying that it was a huge factor in why I did so well. (B was at the finish line cheering on said person... yea, I know, enough said.)
I can definitely tell I pushed myself. Yes, I was sore yesterday, but nothing I couldnt handle. However, my left knee is killing me- the lateral collateral ligament is really hurting. A lot. I ran yesterday, but it was a very slow, painful 4 miles. I am definitely resting today. I read up on treatments for pain and it just says the usual: ice and anti-inflammatory meds. But I think the bigger problem is that I MUST make sure I keep stretching and strengthening that area. I am going to spend some time researching specific stretches, exercises, and lifting series that focus on strengthening this area. I will be damned if it keeps me from my goal! Any tips or pointers here would be much appreciated!!!!
I bought a watch. That's right, a digital watch to wear during my runs. Omar's incessant obsession with me doing sprints and time-interval training finally got to me. I spent all of $10 on a neon green watch at Target. I still dont see myself focusing too much on my time for long runs, but he made a good point: since I now know that I am capable of this pace, why not try to test that on my short run days? I still have 3 of the 5 days a week that I only run a base distance of 4 miles, and so on those days, maybe keep an eye on my time would benefit my ability. Who knows.
My next race is on March 21st, another 5k. *scoff* Shoo, that ain't no thaaaang. I chose to run this upcoming race because it is the weekend that my parents will be visiting and I wanted them to be a part of this experience. It should be a fun one!
The sense of pride I am feeling is insurmountable! What an amazing feeling!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
The results are in!
Official time:
Ummm that's a 9 minute pace...?! Where did THAT come from?!
53/202 females
10/46 in my age group
Yup, I am happy!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Move It Memphis 10k
I am really excited for this race!!! I am not nearly as nervous as I was for the 5k, mostly because I have experienced the whole "first race jitters" and whatnot. I picked up my packet on Wednesday, and I am all set to go! I have run the 6 mile distance twice so far, and both times I felt great and did well; I'm still holding strong to the 10 minute mile pace.
So, just in case you are interested, the race will have a FINISH LINE VIDEO CAMERA that will be feeding a live stream of the runners crossing the finish line. Keep an eye out for the t-rex in all her glory!
I am really excited for this race!!! I am not nearly as nervous as I was for the 5k, mostly because I have experienced the whole "first race jitters" and whatnot. I picked up my packet on Wednesday, and I am all set to go! I have run the 6 mile distance twice so far, and both times I felt great and did well; I'm still holding strong to the 10 minute mile pace.
So, just in case you are interested, the race will have a FINISH LINE VIDEO CAMERA that will be feeding a live stream of the runners crossing the finish line. Keep an eye out for the t-rex in all her glory!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
My new motto:
I am not one for impulse buys, especially on my tight budget. But, every now and then, you run across something that just speaks to you. I was out running some errands yesterday, and I came across a bracelet that I just had to have. I threw it in my basket and didn't even question the purchase.
It is a piece of blue cord with a little silver tag on it that is engraved with the following inscription:
It is a piece of blue cord with a little silver tag on it that is engraved with the following inscription:
love life. be brave.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Another challenge!
(because you know how much I love a challenge!)
Bring it on, bikini season!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Healthy, whole, and well
I have not been to a Bikram class since August. Can you believe that? 6 months Bikram free. That is so sad. A real tragedy. I miss it terribly. If I won the lottery, the first thing I would do would be to pay off student loans, of course... but the second thing I would do is buy an unlimited lifetime pass to any and all Bikram studios (not that such a thing exists, but I can dream, yes?).
Anyway, point of the story: I miss yoga. A LOT. There is a yoga studio in town that has 'pay what you can' classes that literally mean that: pay whatever amount you can and take a class. It has a wide range of classes... vinyasa, hot, gentle, restorative, etc. I have had every intention of checking out this studio, but we all know how busy life gets. Well, yesterday I finally went. Dropped my $1 in the bucket, rolled out my dusty mat, and sat there nervously (going to a new studio is always kinda strange, at least for me!). Well, let me tell you: it was SPECTACULAR. It was scheduled to be a vinyasa class, but the teacher mixed it up a bit and focused the practice around fire breathing, which is essentially the same thing as Kapalbhati breathing in Bikram, just done in a series of different postures. Through this practice, she focused on opening up communication by stimulating the thyroid, as well as directing energy to those in need by keeping the eyes closed and focusing on the third eye. It was a beautiful class; I am so glad I went. However, it made me realize how out of practice I am. I had a terribly hard time meditating, focusing, and clearing my mind. This saddened me, and I realized I really need to begin practicing regularly again- even if not in formal classes, at least on my own.
OK time for some disclosure:
Interestingly, she dedicated the class to a friend she had lost over the weekend. At the end of class, she told us to pick a person we had recently lost, as we would send our energy and good thoughts their way. I am fortunate enough to not have had any death in my family or circle of friends for quite a while, so when she said this, my mind immediately went to a shocking place: Brandon. I guess the term "lost" is flexible in this situation, because I did, in fact, lose him from my life. She had us focus on their face, repeat a mantra (I cannot remember what it was), and send happiness to wherever they may now be. (This will bring me to another post that I play to post in a few days; something that I have been pondering for quite some time- so stay tuned!) On that note, to be continued...
So yes, yoga was amazing, and I miss it terribly. I need to make time in my life for it. It is a priority. As we left the studio, she told as all to focus on being "healthy, whole, and well."
THEN, of course, today... another "better than the best" run! 6 MILES! OW OW! Maureen joined me, and I am so glad we shared the time together. Her and I both motivate and inspire one another in so many ways; it is a great give and take friendship! Beautiful run, my friend!
The 10k is this coming Saturday, and I AM SO PUMPED!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
"...but I'm scared!"
It is very easy to not do something because you are scared. This can relate to so many different aspects of life. Whether it means not riding a giant roller coaster at the fair or driving on an icy, snowy day, we all have things that scare us and we avoid. Some of these things we can rationalize. "I dont want to fall off the roller coaster and be a pancake on the pavement below." "I don't want to get in a car accident." Easily rationalized, and for the most part, understandable to others.
Fear serves a purpose from time to time, but it can also get in the way of things we should, would, and could do. Let me explain where this is all coming from...
I have a strange fear of walking on grates in the sidewalk. Don't ask me why. I just am. I have no rationalization for it. I will go out of my way to avoid stepping on any sort of opening or grating on a sidewalk. This bodes for a very entertaining tour through any city with me. Still, this doesn't really get in the way of my life on a daily basis. In the words of a true psychology major, it doesn't reduce my quality of life. It doesn't have an impact on my social, occupational, academic, behavior, or other areas of functioning. It just makes me walk a little out of the way (and makes my friends laugh out loud at my ridiculous behavior).
I have felt fear when facing my Bikram challenge and my 1/2M training. Mostly, this fear has to do with the potential for failure. I think the fear of failure is one of the biggest things that keeps any people from doing things. People may not apply for a new job, or try to further their education, or try rock climbing.
Now, don't get me wrong, I think a little bit of fear is a good thing. It keeps you on your toes, gets your adrenaline pumping, and can give you a great rush. On the other hand, fear and being nervous sometimes go hand-in-hand and can paralyze you. Next week, I face a challenge that brings a large amount of fear and makes me extremely nervous (inquire for details, not something I want to share on here). Just thinking about it, my heart races, my face gets flushed, my stomach jumps, and I start breathing fast. Now, I have two choices here, as everyone does when it comes to fear: I can turn and run, or I can face the fear head-on. Fight or flight. Basic human instincts.
Fear has stopped me from doing many things in my life. While this pending challenge is not as important and life-altering as other challenges may have been, I still see it as a huge turning point in my life. I have talked with a few friends about it, and they have been beyond supportive. "It is OK to be nervous, but don't let that stop you. All you have to do is show up." Worst case scenario, even if I fail, at least I won't spend the rest of my life wondering what might have been.
Fear serves a purpose from time to time, but it can also get in the way of things we should, would, and could do. Let me explain where this is all coming from...
I have a strange fear of walking on grates in the sidewalk. Don't ask me why. I just am. I have no rationalization for it. I will go out of my way to avoid stepping on any sort of opening or grating on a sidewalk. This bodes for a very entertaining tour through any city with me. Still, this doesn't really get in the way of my life on a daily basis. In the words of a true psychology major, it doesn't reduce my quality of life. It doesn't have an impact on my social, occupational, academic, behavior, or other areas of functioning. It just makes me walk a little out of the way (and makes my friends laugh out loud at my ridiculous behavior).
I have felt fear when facing my Bikram challenge and my 1/2M training. Mostly, this fear has to do with the potential for failure. I think the fear of failure is one of the biggest things that keeps any people from doing things. People may not apply for a new job, or try to further their education, or try rock climbing.
Now, don't get me wrong, I think a little bit of fear is a good thing. It keeps you on your toes, gets your adrenaline pumping, and can give you a great rush. On the other hand, fear and being nervous sometimes go hand-in-hand and can paralyze you. Next week, I face a challenge that brings a large amount of fear and makes me extremely nervous (inquire for details, not something I want to share on here). Just thinking about it, my heart races, my face gets flushed, my stomach jumps, and I start breathing fast. Now, I have two choices here, as everyone does when it comes to fear: I can turn and run, or I can face the fear head-on. Fight or flight. Basic human instincts.
Fear has stopped me from doing many things in my life. While this pending challenge is not as important and life-altering as other challenges may have been, I still see it as a huge turning point in my life. I have talked with a few friends about it, and they have been beyond supportive. "It is OK to be nervous, but don't let that stop you. All you have to do is show up." Worst case scenario, even if I fail, at least I won't spend the rest of my life wondering what might have been.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Here's to you, Valentine's Day.
What a silly day.
I got an email forward from a friend. Amongst the "pass it on and your wildest dreams will come true" jabber was this quote:
God doesn't give you the people you want; He gives you the people you NEED... to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be.
About a month ago, an amazing friend of mine texted me almost the exact same thing during a time when we were both really down and feeling lonely. That's twice this quote has found me. I thought I would share it with you all, seeing as how today has the potential to bring uneasy emotions to some. The hurdles we face make us who we are. I know that, personally, despite the hardships, I wouldn't change a single thing about the life I have lead and the people I have encountered. Simply embrace what you are given, and learn from your mistakes.

I got an email forward from a friend. Amongst the "pass it on and your wildest dreams will come true" jabber was this quote:
God doesn't give you the people you want; He gives you the people you NEED... to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be.
About a month ago, an amazing friend of mine texted me almost the exact same thing during a time when we were both really down and feeling lonely. That's twice this quote has found me. I thought I would share it with you all, seeing as how today has the potential to bring uneasy emotions to some. The hurdles we face make us who we are. I know that, personally, despite the hardships, I wouldn't change a single thing about the life I have lead and the people I have encountered. Simply embrace what you are given, and learn from your mistakes.

Sunday, February 13, 2011
Better than the best
Every time I have a long, weekend run, I always get on here and comment about how perfect it was. I say it was the best yet, and nothing could compare. But then the next weekend rolls around and, lo and behold, another perfect, beautiful run.
It is a beautiful day- clear blue skies, slight breeze, about 55 degrees. I ran 5 miles. For the first time in my life, I believe. I have never, ever run that far. I ran from my apartment to Mud Island, over the bridge, around the first park, and then back to my apartment. It... was... perfect.
My friend Kate let me borrow one of her old iPod shuffles to use since mine broke. It is already loaded with some amazing songs that kept me laughing and singing the whole way. Yes, the silent runs have been nice, but music makes it a whole different experience.
I have had some unfortunate aches. My right hip is acting up- I knew it was only a matter of time. That hip has given me trouble ever since "my old sports injury." (I laugh hysterically when people hold on to their high school sports stories like it is the only thing tying them to their youth.) I knew it would act up eventually, but I was surprised it took this long to start aching. Just reminds me that I must keep Bikram in my life! Hopefully the pain wont be something that impacts my training.
I love how each Sunday, I am rejuvenated and filled with this feeling of "the best run yet!"
Thursday, February 10, 2011
The PROS of treadmill running:
(Rating: PG13)
Now let's be honest here: I slightly dread treadmill running. I get anxious about knowing my speed, pace, and time, as they are displayed in bright flashing red lights right in my face. I cover up the display with a towel, but it doesn't prevent the occasional peek. I get anxious about looking at myself in a mirror the entire time. I get anxious about falling off the stupid machine. I get anxious about the whole situation, and I tend to let myself get all worked up and either push myself too hard, or I am miserable the entire time. But, nonetheless, the running must continue. I bundled up, grabbed my water bottle, and slowly walked over. I got to the door of the gym (which was all fogged up since it is so cold out), and walk into my own personal heaven:
10 handsome, muscular, sweaty men. *drool*
I didn't even think that since everything in Memphis is closed today that all of the guys in my complex would have to use this gym instead of their high-tech fancy gyms. There was a treadmill open, and I stagger over, trying not to trip over something as I strain to oogle using my peripheral vision. I get set up, stretch, warm up, then set out on my 3 miles. (Thank goodness it was just a 3 mile day and not a long run!) Let me tell you: there is nothing more motivating than a swarm of sexy men within 20 feet of you. And let's go a little bit further here... the guy on the treadmill next to me was a Clemson fan/student/alumni. He had a Clemson water bottle and a Clemson sweatshirt on. *more drool* And he was handsome beyond all belief. *drowning in drool* Have I died and gone to heaven? Of course my nerves got the best of me and I couldn't dig up the courage to say anything; dammit, I may have just passed up a meeting with my soul mate! (Ha, just kidding... maybe?)
So while I still find very few PROS when it comes to treadmill running, I was very pleased to stumble across this little pick-me-up! Thanks, Memphis Snowpocalypse #8 of 2011!

The bridge from my apartment complex to Riverfront Park at dusk.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Can VS Want
Picture this: 7:00 am, my day off, my class isn't until 12, it is about 16 degrees out, and we have a winter storm warning heading our way. This is a perfect example of CAN vs WANT. I can run. I feel great. I am healthy (knock on wood), no pains, no aches, life is good. But do I want to? Do I want to get out of my nice, warm, comfy bed and venture out into the blistery cold for 45 minutes? Ha!
But I did. *pat on the back* It was frigid and I think my cheeks are permanently frozen, but I am glad I went!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Sad face...
I just now realized that the weekend of my 1/2 Marathon in Nashville is also the weekend of the Memphis In May music festival...
I am SO bummed! =(
I am SO bummed! =(
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Noticing the little things
It has been almost 2 months since I started training. While I know I have made progress, sometimes it's hard to see just how much.
I was talking with a friend the other day and they said, "So, how far do you have to run today?" I replied, "Oh, it's my easy day, I only run 3, no big deal." Wait, did I just say what I think I said? Only 3 miles? No big deal? When in MY life have I EVER run 3 miles comfortably and easily?! Now, don't get me wrong- most of my life, I have been a relatively healthy and fit person. But let's remember: I. Don't. Run. Well, I guess now I can say I DIDN'T run...
It is nice to see these little bits of progress. Noticing that my breathing is not strained, and I am not completely out of breath at the end of a run. Noticing the definition in my leg muscles (sexy, yowza!) and arms. Noticing that I no longer constantly thinking about how much further I have to go before I am done with a run. Noticing the mounting excitement that I am on my way to accomplishing this goal... It is all very exciting to me!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Surround yourself with success
Annie, from Mama Wants Her Pre-Baby Body Back, has been talking a lot about inspiration lately. I think this is a concept that most people overlook easily. I know that I, personally, feed off of others to inspire me, push me, and provide the drive that gets me to where I need to be. Granted, what I do is ultimately my decision and must be done on my own terms with my own energy, but following the lead of others often makes a daunting task much more doable.
So, what is inspiration? Well, to feel inspired, duh. Ok, well what does inspire mean? Good old GOOGLE says: "To fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence. To produce or arouse (a feeling, thought, etc.). To influence, move, or guide by divine or supernatural inspiration."
Sometimes I wrongly assume that inspiration and success go hand-in-hand. You are inspired by the success of others. You see others achieve a goal, and you are motivated to follow their lead. Then, I get thinking a bit deeper about success... What is it? I have always been one to believe success is not measured by the amount of money you make or the number of letters you have listed after your name. I have always loved the Emerson passage on success:
So where am I going with all of this? Well, Annie has asked the question: Who inspires YOU?
I look at the people that surround me, and I am astonished at the level of success that I am exposed to. Lets focus on GOOGLE's definition first: of just my inner-most, closest, best friends, I have 2 doctors, 3 lawyers, 2 students about to get their PhD's, 1 PhD level professor, 3 others in ivy-league Master's programs, and 2 with graduate degrees working amazing jobs. Wow. If that isnt an impressive friend resume, I don't know what is. But beyond the degrees and fancy jobs, they are amazing people. My friends and are the most kind-hearted and passionate people I have ever met. They pour their energy into making the world a better place for others. They pursue these degrees and careers not to put a pretty number in their bank accounts, but because of their drive and determination to do good in this world and to better the lives of others. I have many, many more friends that I am blown away by on a daily basis... So determined, so loving, and so genuine. If you are reading this, you are one of them!
Beyond my closest circle of friends, I am blessed with the most amazing family. They work hard every day and offer the most overwhelming unconditional support and love. I am astonished at the success they present in a wide array of situations. My grandmother overcame breast cancer and is the most beautiful, energetic 83 year-old woman ever. My grandfather spent years working and serving in the military, yet still refuses to go a single day without taking a walk just to stay healthy. My sister is so artistic and creates beautiful things that come from her heart. My niece, well, no need to mention my infatuation with her perfection. My dad is by far the smartest man on the planet, and he still finds time to make sure my truck is running well and doesn't have any birds nests growing in the radiator. (Yes, that happened once.) And then there's my mother... Words cannot describe the level of respect I have for her. She overcame some tremendous challenges in order to ensure that my sister and I always had everything we needed. She is the most unselfish, giving, kind, hard-working, passionate woman I have ever met. Despite the hardships she has faced, she never once complained or gave up. I could go on for days and days about how amazing my entire family is, but I think you get the point here.
So looking at my life and the people that I have chosen to be a part of it, I realize...
Looking at the people I have in my life, it is no wonder I have a hard time pin-pointing one person in particular that inspires me. Everywhere I look, another friend or family member is amazing me with what they are offering others and the world. ALL OF THIS INSPIRES ME! Seeing the outrageous level of success (Emmerson, not Google) that I am exposed to on a daily basis... THAT is what pushes me to wake up in the morning, to run another mile, to do my best at work, to hold the door for someone else, to donate a dollar to a charity, to smile at a stranger, to reduce/reuse/recycle, to offer kindness in the face of anger, and to simply be the best person I can be.
So, what is inspiration? Well, to feel inspired, duh. Ok, well what does inspire mean? Good old GOOGLE says: "To fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence. To produce or arouse (a feeling, thought, etc.). To influence, move, or guide by divine or supernatural inspiration."
Sometimes I wrongly assume that inspiration and success go hand-in-hand. You are inspired by the success of others. You see others achieve a goal, and you are motivated to follow their lead. Then, I get thinking a bit deeper about success... What is it? I have always been one to believe success is not measured by the amount of money you make or the number of letters you have listed after your name. I have always loved the Emerson passage on success:
To laugh often and much;But, for arguments sake, lets go ahead and GOOGLE this term also: "favorable or desired outcome; also, the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence." (Which then lead me to looking up eminence: "a position of prominence or superiority.") Hmmm... I think I prefer Emerson.
To win the respect of intelligent people
and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty,
to find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better,
whether by a healthy child,
a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier
because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.
So where am I going with all of this? Well, Annie has asked the question: Who inspires YOU?
I look at the people that surround me, and I am astonished at the level of success that I am exposed to. Lets focus on GOOGLE's definition first: of just my inner-most, closest, best friends, I have 2 doctors, 3 lawyers, 2 students about to get their PhD's, 1 PhD level professor, 3 others in ivy-league Master's programs, and 2 with graduate degrees working amazing jobs. Wow. If that isnt an impressive friend resume, I don't know what is. But beyond the degrees and fancy jobs, they are amazing people. My friends and are the most kind-hearted and passionate people I have ever met. They pour their energy into making the world a better place for others. They pursue these degrees and careers not to put a pretty number in their bank accounts, but because of their drive and determination to do good in this world and to better the lives of others. I have many, many more friends that I am blown away by on a daily basis... So determined, so loving, and so genuine. If you are reading this, you are one of them!
Beyond my closest circle of friends, I am blessed with the most amazing family. They work hard every day and offer the most overwhelming unconditional support and love. I am astonished at the success they present in a wide array of situations. My grandmother overcame breast cancer and is the most beautiful, energetic 83 year-old woman ever. My grandfather spent years working and serving in the military, yet still refuses to go a single day without taking a walk just to stay healthy. My sister is so artistic and creates beautiful things that come from her heart. My niece, well, no need to mention my infatuation with her perfection. My dad is by far the smartest man on the planet, and he still finds time to make sure my truck is running well and doesn't have any birds nests growing in the radiator. (Yes, that happened once.) And then there's my mother... Words cannot describe the level of respect I have for her. She overcame some tremendous challenges in order to ensure that my sister and I always had everything we needed. She is the most unselfish, giving, kind, hard-working, passionate woman I have ever met. Despite the hardships she has faced, she never once complained or gave up. I could go on for days and days about how amazing my entire family is, but I think you get the point here.
So looking at my life and the people that I have chosen to be a part of it, I realize...
Looking at the people I have in my life, it is no wonder I have a hard time pin-pointing one person in particular that inspires me. Everywhere I look, another friend or family member is amazing me with what they are offering others and the world. ALL OF THIS INSPIRES ME! Seeing the outrageous level of success (Emmerson, not Google) that I am exposed to on a daily basis... THAT is what pushes me to wake up in the morning, to run another mile, to do my best at work, to hold the door for someone else, to donate a dollar to a charity, to smile at a stranger, to reduce/reuse/recycle, to offer kindness in the face of anger, and to simply be the best person I can be.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Long term goals
I was on the phone with a friend of mine last night and, unintentionally, he brought up a very interesting point: what are my plans for AFTER I complete this 1/2 marathon?
Now I have mentioned time and time again that I simply want to FINISH this race. No amazing times, no gold medals- just finish. I am focusing all of my energy and time towards that goal, and on April 30th, I will face this challenge. With that said, I can honestly say that I really have not even contemplated what my life will be like come May 1st.
Do I hope to continue with running? Do I hope to do another 1/2 Marathon? Do I hope to push the limit and train for a full Marathon? Do I hope to put my shoes in the back of my closet and never run another day in my life?
I don't know.
And I am OK with that. I am fine with taking this day by day and seeing what happens. After I cross the finish line in April, I think I will know what is right for me and where I want to go from there. And if I don't, that is fine too. If I take a few weeks, months, or even years off, that's ok. If I wake up the next morning and want to keep pushing myself, great. Whatever happens, happens.
Now I have mentioned time and time again that I simply want to FINISH this race. No amazing times, no gold medals- just finish. I am focusing all of my energy and time towards that goal, and on April 30th, I will face this challenge. With that said, I can honestly say that I really have not even contemplated what my life will be like come May 1st.
Do I hope to continue with running? Do I hope to do another 1/2 Marathon? Do I hope to push the limit and train for a full Marathon? Do I hope to put my shoes in the back of my closet and never run another day in my life?
I don't know.
And I am OK with that. I am fine with taking this day by day and seeing what happens. After I cross the finish line in April, I think I will know what is right for me and where I want to go from there. And if I don't, that is fine too. If I take a few weeks, months, or even years off, that's ok. If I wake up the next morning and want to keep pushing myself, great. Whatever happens, happens.
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